A note from the Chairman - October

The ‘C’ points are 10 per annum and they can be made up from your own developments in training. For example, subscription to a Pest Magazine may pick you up a few points. Being a member of a relatable organisation that is science based and particularly in relation to wildlife may pick up points and also in-house toolbox talks might pick you up some points. All of these must be sent to IASIS for evaluation and they will return with an answer on how many points they are worth. To get the best results from this process, you should send as much information as you can about the topic. For instance, if you have done a toolbox talk on Rodent Control – Permanent Baiting Rules, you must send the content of the toolbox talk as well as the sign in sheet. If you are a member of an organisation, you must send in the membership certificate, a magazine subscription – send the confirmation of your subscription. This must be done on an individual basis for every PMU although large companies who have delivered In-house training may apply on behalf of all attendees.

For the end of this year, all PMU’s will be assessed on their cumulative points from both 2018 and 2019. Therefore you must have 80 ‘A’ points and 20 ‘C’ points. I would strongly suggest to you all to log into the IASIS website, log into your personal CPE account and verify that you have all the points you need.

There is only one schedule CPE Workshop Group course left on the current cycle and that is on 24th October in Athlone (Ecology/Environment/PMUs Code C1 – 30 ‘A’ CPE Points). It is a half day courses beginning 9.30 and cost €150 each. Eanna Ni Lamhna is the tutor for this workshop.

For bookings contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last month I mentioned an Award process. We have procrastinated over this for a number of years but I think we should go ahead and just do it. Any mistakes we make, we will learn from and get it better next year. I think it is a positive step into recognising people’s achievements, creating a positive atmosphere and sparking conversations and an evaluation of our staff. They are the face of our companies and deserve to be praised wherever appropriate. I have attached a nomination form with this ‘Note’ and hope to get a good feedback. All nominees will receive a certificate, the board will shortlist the nominations and the winner will be chosen by Independent Judges. We are not going to spell out the criteria, we will leave that to you but bear in mind that you are nominating someone because they have excelled at their job, maybe passing exams with flying colours, maybe sorting out a problem that no-one else could, maybe going above and beyond with training or mentoring others or pulling in the biggest sale the company has ever seen. In light of the recent industry changes, maybe one of your team has done something remarkable relating to CRRU or legislation etc. We don’t need to see any confidential information and all information we receive will be held in strictest confidence and destroyed after the process is complete. I encourage every member to respond with one nomination of one of their team to make it a good competition. Sole traders can nominate themselves. Remember each nominee will get a certificate. Nominations should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before November 1st 2019. We hope to organise something in December to deliver the final.

Until next month.

Philip Cranley – 11th October 2019

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