A note from the Chairman - June

We had some fantastic speakers on the day and I would like to thank Eanna Ni Lamhna (CRRU Ireland), John Lusby (Birdwatch Ireland), Paula Smith (Lantra) and Michelle Whelan (DAFM) for their time.

Michelle Whelan’s presentation regarding Biocidal Products and their use in Ireland, in particular, sparked a lively discussion during and afterwards. I am attaching a link to the DAFM Biocides website ‘Permanent Baiting Rules’ for your information.


We mentioned a new initiative by a group supported by the IPCA called The CPE Workshop Group. The purpose of this group is to provide training on a regular basis at various locations nationwide. Training for our members will be partially subsidised by the IPCA. This initiative is almost ready to go live so keep an eye on the IASIS website http://www.iasis.ie/PestControl/CoursesEvents.aspx and our own website www.ipca.ie

I’d like to also draw your attention to the European Pest Management Standard EN16636 (CEPA Certified). The uptake across Europe of this standard has been phenomenal with over 130 pest control companies in the UK alone accredited to date. In Ireland, there are only 4 so far, all of whom are members of this association. The IPCA fully endorses this Standard and would encourage members to look into this accreditation. See https://www.cepa-europe.org/cepa- certified/companies or indeed let us know and we will pass on your details to the accrediting body.

Also I am reliably informed that all PMU holders that have applied for the IPCA PMU Identity Card will be receiving them in the post within the next week. A lot of admin, time and resources went into producing this card, made especially for our members, and as Gaybo, Pat and Ryan might say, there’s one for everyone in the audience. Just one more return that IPCA are making to their members.

Thank you for your time.

Philip Cranley – 7 th June 2019

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