A note from the Chairman - May

I am well aware of the ground breaking activities that each successive board have pursued, in their own time I might add, but I am also aware that to date the communication of these activities may not have reached the members.

I am also wholly conscious of the rapidly changing requirements of our industry and feel that it is vital that information affecting our businesses is communicated as soon as it becomes available.

The other focus point for me is to grow the association, reclaim lost members and recruit new. The uncertainty of Brexit and the major change in regulation of our industry means that all pest management professionals must rally together to make our voice heard. What better way to do that, but in the only Irish Pest Control Trade Association – IPCA.

The board is very strong this year with all places filled. We have gained two new board members, Jonathan Byrne from PestPlus and Liam McDonagh from Ecolab. It is exciting to get new blood onto the board and I am sure that fresh new ideas are going to be flowing freely around the boardroom table in the months and years to come.

Photo : Back:(Left to Right) Alan Byrne (Ecolab), Jonathan Byrne (PestPlus), Peter Flanagan (Eastern Pest Control), Bernard Hannon - Treasurer (Consultant), Liam McDonagh (Ecolab),  Front: Philip Cranley - Chairman (Independent Biologist Ltd)

Our secretary, Rachel Macken, has done some fine work with our accounts over the past year and I’m sure will continue to make the association as efficient as possible while also allowing us to give back to the members.

Before I sign off, I would just like to say a few words about my predecessor Mr Brendan Ryan. As you may know, Brendan has retired from the board. Brendan was one of the founding members of the association and has, by far, given the greatest contribution of time and energy than any other in those long 18 years, serving as chairman numerous times. Thank You Brendan.

Until my next ‘note from the chairman’ I wish you all well.

Philip Cranley - 14 th May 2019

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